Case study: Erased Studio


→ Torsdag kl. 13.15 i Vega

Presenteres av Trondheim Calling

Erased Studio provides concept-led creative services rooted in architectural thinking. Founded by Elliott Housiaux and Paul-Emile De Smedt in 2021, the studio thrives where lines are blurred and unexpected resonances can occur.

Through architecture, interior design, scenography, and art direction, we work in service of brands, institutions, agencies, and artists. Our rigorous, highly aesthetic approach binds each project together, permeating every decision. Playing with the tension between timeless ideas and ephemeral structures, we develop experiences with the intent of forging new and exciting narratives.

With a particular attention to research and context, Erased Studio celebrates artistic experimentation grounded in technical knowledge. Rather than focusing on the conception of objects, our methodology is polymorphic and place-rooted, crossing fields from music to art, taking cues from technology and nature in an ode to the life-forces of creation and production, as well as their undoing.

Etter presentasjonen samler vi et panel med norske aktører for å fortsette diskusjonen om hvordan man kan jobbe med arkitektur, kunst og design for å skape spennende festivalarenaer. Vi anbefaler å gå på begge!


Elliott Housiaux & Paul-Emile De Smedt